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archery session
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Archery Festival
Field Archery
Archery Party!
Archery Target practice

Archery is for Everybody

3 acres of Archery Range including a hillside course of targets. Coaching available.

Learn to shoot a bow or bring your gear and get practicing!


This is a beautiful outdoor facility where you can learn and  perfect your archery skills. Shooting a bow is a Sport, a source of Food, an Art form and Spiritual discipline, but overall it is a Joy and great Feeling.

You can come as a single or a group to see if you enjoy flinging arrows. Equipment is provided.


Membership pricing is available for local folks and all other Archery Club members across Canada. ​

Make a reservation time

Here are some quick links to book your next session. 

Other great activities

Special events, workshops and programs


Combat Archery

A very exhilarating team game using foam tipped arrows, face masks and some safe rules of play. The battle field pitch is set up with a castle at both ends and bunkers in between for protection and reloading an arrow. Played like a capture the flag style game the two teams are pitted against each other in a super fun match of teamwork, strategy, discipline and accuracy. Defending and attacking the Castles are all crucial aspects of this game which might be considered somewhere between dodge ball and paintball in concept. Tonnes of fun for all ages 8+, families, birthday parties, groups and more. Contact form is at foot of this page. 

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Bow crafting

Learn to make a Yew long bow or Laminated recurve bow. Custom 5 day workshops are made by appointment. Contact form is at foot of this page.

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Art works & Gallery

Some of the society members are making some beautiful creations. We have a cute little gallery on location where visitors can admire and purchase quality gear and crafts.

Bows, arrows, carvings, leatherworks and more. Contact form is at foot of this page.

Land Stewardship

We cherish these islands, especially the natural biodiversity and ecosystems.

Oak, Arbutus, wildflowers, crops, bird habitat and of course home gardens are all being decimated by the out of control deer populations. Over 6000 in number on Salt Spring Island alone.

With our team of trained and certified bow hunters we are working with private land owners on the southern gulf islands. If you are interest in joining this wildlife management program please use the contact form in the page footer.

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